Success Stories

Primary Retroperitoeal Teratoma

Primary retroperitoneal are rare tumors. This tumour was in the inter-aortocaval region and also partially involving the iliac bifurcation and origin of the inferior-mesentric artery.

After a meticulous sub-adventitial vascular dissection, the tumour was removed en-bloc from the surrounding structures. Inferior mesentric artery was preserved in this case.

Retroperitoneal structures after enbloc tumor removal

Large Wilms Tumor with Tumor Thrombus extending into the Inferior Vena Cava

After dissection and mobilization of right kidney, supra and infrarenal control was taken of the IVC using vascular clamps. Using a sidebiting vascular clamp the tumor along with renal vein at its origin was transected. IVC defect was closed with runnin 4-0 Prolene. Post operative period was uneventful

Wilms Tumor involving the Right Kidney

Sidebiting clamp at the IVC-Renal vein junction

Post Operative Bed showing the psoas muscles and the IVC (after suituring). Tumor completely removed

Retroperitoneal Neuroblastoma involving Renal Hilum and IVC

Large retroperitoneal neuroblastoma. The mass was closely adherant to the right renal vesssels and IVC. Careful retroperitoneal dissection led to enblock removal of the mass, preserving the right kidney. Post operative period was uneventful

Large Retroperitoneal Neuroblastoma

Preserved Renal vessels and IVC seen after resection

Wilms Tumor with thrombus extending into renal vein

Large Left kidney mass with tumor thrombus extending into the Renal vessels. Final HPR was Wilms tumor. Child received adjuvant chemotherapy and has been doing well on follow up.

Scalp Tumor in Young Child : Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis

8 month old child presented with this large scalp tumour. It was successfully excised with safe margins along with the outor table of cranium. Cover was achieved with a local rotation flap and donor site covered with an SSG graft

Ca Esophagus: Radical 3-Field Esophagectomy

62 year old male with carcinoma of middle third esophagus. Periesophageal nodes were present on preop PET CT scan. We did a radical 3-field esophagectomy (Transthoracic approach) with gastric conduit anastamosis. Patient was discharged on post op day 10 and tolerating oral soft diet. Post operative course was uneventful and he has been disease free on subsequent follow-up.

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